There is excitement in the air as we prepare for Abington Choral Club’s 2022 spring concert, Forever Let My Spirit Sing.
The concert will take place on Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 PM at Abington Senior High School, 900 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA.
Our music for this concert seeks to recognize the sadness we have experienced over tremendous loss as well as hope for a more positive future.
Listening to and singing music have helped us find balance and optimism. This will be the first time in 2 years that Abington Choral Club will be singing for a live audience. We hope you will join us to celebrate our mutual passion for music!
Updated Covid-19 Protocols
In keeping with our concert venue’s current protocols, masks are recommended but not required. Because these protocols are fluid and may change, we ask that audience members come prepared to wear a mask. Please check this website for updates to the current protocols.